
Opportunity Name: Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Planning

Organization: NH State Department of Business and Economic Affairs

Deadline: February 7, 2025

Description: Develop planning tools to assist municipalities in the planning, creation, and management of outdoor recreation assets to support the tourism industry across the state.


Opportunity Name: Town of Cumberland Comprehensive Plan Update

Organization: Town of Cumberland, Maine

Deadline: February 24, 2025

Description: The Town of Cumberland, Maine is requesting proposals from qualified and experienced professional consultant firms to complete an update to its 2014 Comprehensive Plan. It is of utmost importance for the Town to complete the update process in a timely manner that is consistent with Title 30-A M.R.S, Chapter 187, Subchapter 2 – Growth Management Program and that meets all the criteria established in the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry’s Optional Self-Assessment Checklist.


Opportunity Name: Shelburne VT Impact Fees

Organization: Town of Shelburne, Vermont

Deadline: March 7, 2025

Description: The Town of Shelburne seeks a qualified consultant, or team, to assist the Town with the development of new impact fees to finance projected capital project needs. This will include advising the Town on which capital projects, out of many, will be most appropriate and effective to fund with impact fees.