
Resilient Communities Scorecard: A Tool for Assessing Your Community

The scorecard is a checklist of questions to help Vermont communities assess their resilience in key areas including land use, transportation, energy, and healthy community design. Knowing where your community stands is a first step toward developing goals, action steps, and investment strategies that build or reinforce resilience. This updated tool will help communities address today’s di#cult challenges — like incremental and scattered development, rising energy costs, and climate change — and help position them to meet those challenges.

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Energy Planning & Implementation Guidebook for Vermont Communities

This guidebook addresses the process of preparing an energy plan, including resources available to aid in that process and identifies the various implementation tools that can put that plan into action at the community level.

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Model Wind Energy Facility Ordinance

The intent of this model ordinance is to provide Maine municipalities a potential approach to local regulation of wind energy development for review, reference and consideration.

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New Hampshire

Small Wind Energy Systems

This technical bulletin provides an overview of small wind energy systems and a model ordinance to regulate such systems.

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New Hampshire

Energy Efficient Development

Energy efficient planning principles can be implemented and upheld through subdivision and site plan review regulations, zoning ordinance, and building codes. Incentives may essentially offer a subsidy to the development through possible tax deferments, deductions, credits, or abatements.

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Energy Efficiency, Conservation, & Renewable Energy

Towns in Vermont are successfully reducing their energy use through lowered demand and increased efficiency. These reductions can have crucial economic, environmental and social benefits, and carry the promise of changing the way our communities function and grow.

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