Legislative Action

NHPA works diligently to keep members up-to-date with State and Federal Regulations. We are so grateful to our Legislative Subcommitee for all of their efforts. For more information on becoming a part of the Legislative Subcommittee please contact NHPA Legislative Liaison Scott Osgood.

The Latest Legislative Activity


Check out the Legislative Tracker.

Legislative Subcommittee Members

Stu Arnett, ArnettĀ  Development Group
Joanne Carr, Town of Jaffrey
Tim Corwin, City of Lebanon
Jen Czysz, Strafford RPC
Ben Frost, NH Housing Finance Authority
Tom Irving, Conway
Sarah Marchant, City of Nashua
Scott Osgood, City of Claremont
Jamie Paine, Tidewater Community Development LLC
Chris Parker, City of Dover
Shanna B. Saunders, City of Somersworth
Rick Sawyer, Town of Bedford
Heather Shank, City of Concord
Nic Strong, Town of Alton

Lobbyist: Bill Klubben

Interested in past legislation activity or testimony letters?

Check out NHPA's legislation archives
