Plan of the Year


A written plan that is a significant advancement to the science and art of planning. This could include comprehensive or master plans, housing plans, capital  improvement plans, environmental or resource conservation plans, park or recreation plans,  transportation plans, redevelopment plans, economic development plans, etc.

  1. Originality | To what extent  does the plan  incorporate creative and innovative ideas?

  2. Transferability | How does the project provide example for others?

  3. Quality | To what extent does the plan show excellence of thought, analysis, writing, mapping, graphics and presentation?

  4. Comprehensiveness | How have planning principles been observed and to what extent does the plan include elements important to the local community?

  5. Public Participation | How has the plan encouraged participation and included those left out of similar efforts in the past?

  6. Implementation | Does the plan incorporate measurable implementation tasks and goals and has the plan been supported by those responsible for implementation tasks?

Project of the Year

A project, program or tool that is a significant advantage to the cause of planning. This category emphasizes results and demonstrates how a project, program, or tool implemented a plan. The submissions could be regulations, ordinances or codes, growth management guidelines or ordinances, transferable development rights programs; land acquisition efforts; tax abatement initiatives; projects that encourage participation by those who do not typically participate in setting community/public agendas; or other projects, programs or tools that meet the criteria below.
  1. Originality | To what extent  does the project incorporate creative and innovative ideas?

  2. Transferability | How does the project serve as an example to others?

  3. Quality | To what extent does the project show excellence of thought, analysis, writing, mapping, graphics and presentation?

  4. Comprehensiveness | How have planning principles been observed, especially in support of other public objectives? To what extent does the submission produce results for other programs important to the local community?

  5. Public Participation | How has the project encouraged participation and included those left out of similar efforts in the past?

  6. Implementation | How has the project made a difference in the lives of the people affected?

Professional Planner of the Year


An individual who has made a sustained contribution to the field of planning through distinguished practice, teaching, or writing. This person must make his/her living in the practice of planning, either in the public or private sector.

  1. Support of Planning | To what extent has the nominee's work increased the understanding of planning principles and the planning process?

  2. Effectiveness/Results | To what extent has the nominee been effective in formulating and implementing his/her plans and furthered the cause of planning?

Planner Emeritus

An The Chapter has a new Planner Emeritus award to recognize Professional Planners who have dedicated 30 or more years of service to the planning profession and to the communities, organizations and people they have served. Nominate an outstanding professional planner as Planner Emeritus through our online form or send any questions to the Awards Committee.

Citizen Planner of the Year

An individual who advanced or promoted the cause of planning in the public arena. This could include members of planning boards/commissions, zoning boards of adjustment/ appeals, economic development boards/commissions, or other elected or appointed officials. It could also include the more non-traditional roles of citizen activists or neighborhood leaders.
  1. Support of Planning | To what extent has the nominee's time and dedication increased the understanding of planning principles and the planning process, as well as the goals of the organization of which he/she is a part?

  2. Effectiveness | How has the nominee promoted the cause and advanced the merits of planning?