2024 Northern New England Planning Conference

2024 Northern New England Planning Conference

Stoweflake Resort, Stowe, Vermont

October 28 - 30, 2024

Registration is now open. Register today!

Check out the Agenda

Speaker Biographies

Book your room at the Stoweflake Mountain Resort, Stowe, Vermont

Below is the link to book your room. We have a few rooms for Sunday night so if you think you will be arriving early, please be sure to include that night. Our room rate is $189.00++. The resort fee has been waived. You do need to manually choose the check-in and check-out information as that automatically populates an October 27th arrival and October 30 departure.

Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa - Reservations - Room Availability (synxis.com)

Sponsorship Opportunities!

Each year the Northern New England Planning Conference provides businesses and organizations with an opportunity to build on existing relationships with the planning community and establish new ones, reaching out across New England to promote their services. We expect to have over 300 planners and related professionals from Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, as well as from Southern New England. We have three different sponsor levels which are very affordable and will provide you exposure. Sponsor Today! Questions reach out to Nancy Kilbride, Administrator.

Thanks to Our Conference Sponsors:

BETA Group, Inc.

North Star Planning

Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission

FB Environmental

FB Environmental

Resilience Image

Resilience Planning & Design



Bureau of Resource Information and Land Use Planning

Cloudpermit, Inc.

Front Porch Community Planning & Design

General Code

Levine Planning Strategies, LLC

SP&F Attorneys, P.C.

Questions about the conference - contact:

Sarah Wraight, Conference Chair

Nancy Kilbride, NNECAPA Administrator

Logos of NNECAPA's partners

Thanks to our Sustaining Partners