MAP Awards 

Every year, planners and their work are acknowledged through the Maine Association of Planners (MAP) awards program.  The program is designed to recognize a special person, organization, or project for its contribution to the field of planning.  Award categories are:  

  • Citizen Planner of the Year
  • Professional Planner of the Year
  • Project or Program of the Year
  • Plan of the Year  

Congratulations to the 2024 award winners doing excellent work in Maine!

Citizen Planner of the Year: Rick Lyles, City of Ellsworth

Professional Planner of the Year: Julie Dubovsky, Town of Yarmouth

Program or Project of the Year: Rockland Downtown Waterfront Plan Implementation

Plan of the Year: City of Bath Comprehensive Plan

Lifetime Achievement Awards: Charles (Tex) Haeuser, Elizabeth Della Valle, Paul Schumacher

Read about each award in this year's MAP AWARDS PRESS RELEASE!


Past award recipients are listed below - check out your fellow planners and their work!



Plan | Connect 2045 A Long-Range Transportation Plan for Greater Portland, Maine

Project | Durham Resource Protection District Realignment Project

Professional Planner | Rick Harbison

Citizen Planner | Christine Bennet and Carmela Braun

Lifetime Achievement Awards | Theo Hotlwijk, Brian Kent, Terry Dewan, Jane Lafleur



Plan | 2021-2025 Eastern Maine Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

Project |  LD 1694 Maine Land Bank legislation

Professional Planner | Kara Wilbur of Build Maine

Citizen Planner | John Fink of Ellsworth


Plan | Maine Won’t Wait - A Four-Year Action Plan for Climate Change

Project | Estimating On-Road Transportation Emissions in York County 



Plan | Maine Mall Transit-Oriented Development Concept Plan, South Portland, Maine

Project | Augusta Downtown Street Redesign, Augusta, Maine

Citizen Planner | David Nadeau, Windham, Maine



Plan | Portland's Plan 2030, Portland, Maine
Project | AIM Development Action Plan for Tomorrow, Town of Bucksport
Professional Planner | Carol Eyerman, AICP, Topsham, Maine
Citizen Planner | Jean Libby, New Gloucester, Maine



Plan | West End Neighborhood Master Plan, South Portland, Maine
Project | Maine Flood Resilience Checklist, SMPDC
Professional Planner | Lynne Seeley, Yarmouth, Maine
Citizen Planner | Don Fellows, Town of Lisbon



Plan | Lewiston Legacy
Project | Belfast Rail Trail
Professional Planner | Theo Holtwijk, Town of Falmouth
Citizen Planner | Don Russell, Town of Topsham

Lifetime Achievement Awards | Mark Eyerman, Chuck Lawton, Rodney Lynch, Tom Martin, Frank O'Hara, and Evan Richert



Plan | Falmouth Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Town of Falmouth
Project | The Rural Business Development Zone, Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) & Northern Maine Development Commission (NMDC)



Plan | Bold Coast Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan, Washington County Council of Governments
Project | River Landing Senior Housing Community, Developers Collaborative and Seacoast Management
Professional Planner | Jane Lafleur