The Municipal Planning Assistance Program (MPAP) is seeking input from planners, municipal officials and volunteers from all corners of the state about the past and future of Maine’s Growth Management Program. The survey builds off of comments MPAP received during development of the Growth Management Program Evaluation of 2023. Feedback received during the Evaluation process has led to the articulation of goals for improving the Growth Management Program and Comprehensive Plan process. These goals are identified in the survey to provide context. With this new survey, we are soliciting input about the entire State of Maine Growth Management Program: funding, technical assistance, state support, the Comprehensive Plan Review Criteria Rule, the Growth Management Law, guidance, implementation, etc.

Looking to the past, the survey asks questions about how successful we have been at achieving the goals of the Growth Management Law, directing growth to locally designated Growth Areas and away from critical rural areas, and the influence of state and local barriers to achieving the goals of the Growth Management Law. Looking ahead, what are the best means to support housing development in locally designated Growth Areas, to address the “one size fits all” concerns, and to integrate hazard mitigation and climate resilience planning with growth management?

MPAP will be scheduling facilitated in-person focus group meetings this Fall to discuss the survey results and your input. Be sure to tell us in the survey if you want to be a part of these meetings.

Please take the time to share your experiences, ideas, and desires to improve the GM Program by taking the Maine Growth Management Program Survey. The deadline to do so is September 13, 2024.

Update August 23, 2024

Due to State of Maine cybersecurity concerns, MPAP cannot continue using Google Forms. This has forced us to move the Growth Management Program survey to a Survey 123 format.

What does this mean for you?

  • If you have already taken the survey, thank you! Your responses have been received and will be included in the final tally and analysis.
  • If you have not taken the survey, please go to the new survey link here.
  • Survey123 allows anyone without any special account to start the survey, save your responses, and complete it later.

The deadline for completing the survey is still September 13, 2024. Please share this new survey link with your colleagues, members, network, constituents, and others who have participated in any aspect of a municipal comprehensive planning effort.

We apologize for any inconvenience this transition may cause you.

This is a cybersecurity issue that is beyond our control.

Contributed by:

Joan A. Walton, AICP, Director, Municipal Planning Assistance Program

Joan is the Director of the Municipal Planning Assistance Program in the Bureau of Resource Information and Land Use Planning at the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. Joan has extensive experience in land use planning, resilience planning, community development, transportation planning, economic development, and code enforcement. She has worked at the municipal, regional, and state levels in Maine throughout her 37-year career and is a member of the MAP board.