Grant Opportunity
Community Heart& Soul is a nonprofit that builds stronger, healthier, and more economically vibrant small cities and towns across the United States. They are inviting resident-driven groups in small cities and towns to apply for $10,000 in funding to start the Community Heart & Soul model. Based on three powerful principles–involve everyone, focus on what matters most, and play the long game. Community Heart & Soul helps towns move toward a brighter, more prosperous future by bringing the residents of a community closer together. Grants target communities with populations between 2,500-30,000.
Learn more and apply here:
A media kit for seed grant program with graphics and sample copy can be found at:
There is no deadline for the seed grant program—applications are reviewed monthly. The grant opportunity is available until funds are exhausted. Federally-recognized Tribes are eligible.
Questions can be directed to: Caitlyn Davison, Senior Associate, 720-298-2490,

Granite State Planner
For NHPA's latest news periodically throughout the year check out the Granite State Planner.
There is also weekly planning news available through the New Hampshire Office of Planning & Development (OPD) here.
This week's OPD headlines:
11/24/21 Planning News Update
Please find this week’s edition of New Hampshire planning news:
- Keene mayor: 760 new housing units needed in Cheshire County by 2024
- Reforming Local Land Use Regulations To Increase Housing Production
- New Hampshire water infrastructure projects claim the most ARPA aid so far
- Shaheen Leads Delegation in Securing $3.7 Million to NH to Improve Coastal
Resilience against Natural Disasters
- Developers looking beyond retail and office space as markets shift
- Somersworth Invests Millions in Affordable Housing
- Study: Lake Winnipesaukee worth over $17 billion
- Art as a downtown magnet
- APA Webinar: Retrofitting Bedroom Communities for an Equitable and
Sustainable Future, December 17, 2021, 1 PM
To view the news items, please go to OPD’s web site at:
Announcements and Notes
Check out Steve Whitman's TEDx Talk "Shifting the World From Grey to Green"