VPA Standing Committees

All VPA members are eligible and encouraged to participate in the work of VPA through its committees. Volunteering provides an opportunity to build skills, shape state planning policy, give back to the profession, develop professional friendships, and have some fun! See below for more information about VPA's standing committees, and who to contact if you'd like to get involved. 

NNECAPA 2025 - Works with NNECAPA to produce the annual NNECAPA fall conference. The 2025 Conference will be at The Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland, ME, Nov. 3-5. Contact: Emily Heymann, Vermont Section Representative, eheymann@willistonvt.org

Professional Development – The Professional Development Committee organizes spring and fall conferences, participates in the Education and Training Collaborative, and researches training opportunities for professional planners. Contact:  Committee Chair Jennifer Murray, JMurray@townofmiddlebury.org

Nominating – The Nominating Committee is an ad hoc committee that puts together a slate of nominees to fill on the Executive Committee and officers for the coming year. Contact: Sue Westa, Committee Chair, swesta@windhamregional.org

Legislative – The Legislative Committee keeps apprised of proposed legislation, prepares position papers, and testifies in front of legislative committees at the Statehouse. Contact: Alex Weinhagen alexweinhagen@gmail.com

Awards – The Awards Committee reviews annual nominations for Plan of the Year, Project of the Year, Citizen Planner, Professional Planner, and Citizen Board.

VPA's work is supported by the knowledge, skills and experiences of our members! The VPA Executive Committee seeks to support and facilitate participation in committees by a diversity of our membership.