South Portland (ME) Housing Assessment and Strategy

The City of South Portland seeks to cultivate a safe, equitable, inclusive, sustainable, resilient, and vibrant community that reflects the goals set forth in the City’s Comprehensive Plan, and other official plans and policies adopted by the City Council. The City recognizes that in order to succeed and grow in a healthy manner, it must understand its current and future housing conditions, as well as unmet housing opportunities and needs.

To that end, the City is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Housing Needs Assessment and Strategy (HNAS). The HNAS will document existing housing conditions in the community; identify market and other forces affecting housing supply and demand now and over the next 10 years; and identify gaps or deficiencies in maintaining equitable access to safe, resilient, and reliable housing to as many community members as possible. The HNAS will identify opportunities for improving and expanding housing options to meet the community’s needs. An implementation strategy is a critical outcome of the HNAS and will chart the course for policy, procedural, and administrative changes that the City pursues to ensure housing equity and access that tracks with the city’s ability to serve.

A full RFP and scope of work outline is available here:

Electronic proposals are due April 23, 2021 and RFP questions are due March 24, 2021.