Chapter Awards
Nominate a Planner, Project or Plan for a 2024 Northern New England Chapter of APA Award!
Every year, planners and their work are acknowledged through the Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) awards program. The program is designed to recognize a special person, organization, or project for its contribution to the field of planning. Award categories are Citizen Planner, Professional Planner, Planner Emeritus, Project of the Year, and Plan of the Year.
The Awards Committee is actively seeking nominations for this year which will be awarded at the NNECAPA Conference at the Stoweflake Resort in Stowe, Vermont, held October 28-30, 2024. The Committee will work with the winners on preparations for press releases as well as nomination materials and submissions for possible submission to APA.
Please submit one digital copy of the Awards Nomination Form and necessary attachments (as PDF) to the attention of the Awards Committee by emailing on or before September 6, 2024. Questions regarding the awards process or any nomination materials can also be referred to the Awards Committee. See the past winners below, or for more details click here.
Past Award Winners
Plan | Town of York, Maine Comprehensive Plan
Project | Kingdom Trails Network Capacity Study, Burke Vermont
Professional Planner | Noah Hodgetts, NH Office of Planning and Development
Citizen Planner | Sandy Gregg, South Hero, Vermont
Planner Emeritus | Ross Moldoff, AICP; Elizabeth Della Valle, AICP; Jane Lefleur
Plan | CreateVT: Action Plan for Vermont's Creative Sector
Project | LD 1694 Maine Land Bank Legislation
Professional Planner | Kara Wilbur of Build Maine
Citizen Planner | Charlie King, Farmington, New Hampshire
Plan | Maine Won't Wait- A Four-Year Plan for Climate Action
Project | Rupert Village Revitalization Project, Rupert Village, Vermont
Professional Planner | Meagan Tuttle, AICP, Burlington, Vermont
Citizen Planner | Jon Levenstein, Town of Bedford, New Hampshire
Plan | Mall TOD Concept Plan, South Portland, ME
Project | Market Street Reconstruction, South Burlington, Vermont
Professional Planner | Brandy Saxton, AICP, PlaceSense, Vermont
Citizen Planner | Frank Torr, City of Dover, New Hampshire
Plan | Mount Washington Valley Age Friendly Community Action Plan
Project | Mill City Park, Franklin, New Hampshire
Professional Planner | Kate McCarthy, AICP, VT Natural Resources Council
Citizen Planner | Jean Libby, Town of New Gloucester, Maine
Plan | West End Neighborhood Master Plan, South Portland, Maine
Project | Maine Flood Resilience Checklist, SMPDC
Professional Planner | Sarah Marchant, AICP, Nashua, New Hampshire
Citizen Planner | Andrew Montroll , Burlington, Vermont
Plan | Lewiston Legacy, Maine
Project | Concord Main Street, Concord, New Hampshire
Professional Planner | Rick Sawyer, AICP, Bedford, New Hampshire
Citizen Planner | Don Russell, Topsham, Maine
Plan | Essex, Vermont Town Plan
Project | Community Planning Grant Program, New Hampshire Housing
Professional Planner | Ben Frost, AICP, New Hampshire Housing
Citizen Planner | Robert Vasseur, Fayston, Vermont
Plan | Granite State Future, New Hampshire’s Regional Planning Commissions
Project | Barnes Camp Visitor Center Restoration, Stowe, Vermont
Professional Planner | Jane Lafleur, Executive Director, Friends of Midcoast Maine
Citizen Planner | Bob Beurmann, South Hero, Vermont
Plan | Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity Master Plan, Bedford, New Hampshire
Project | Climate Change Mapping, WCCOG and UMMGIS
Professional Planner | Sarah Hadd, Town Planner, Colchester, Vermont
Citizen Planner | Hugh Tallman, Belvidere, Vermont
Plan | planBTV-Downtown & Waterfront Master Plan, Burlington, Vermont
Project | Hill Farm Project, Mad River Valley Planning District, Vermont
Professional Planner | Sandrine Thibault, AICP, Burlington, Vermont
Citizen Planner | Maxine Beecher, South Portland, Maine
Plan | Riverfront Island Master Plan, Lewiston, Maine
Project | Response to Tropical Storm Irene, Vermont RPCs
Professional Planner | Joshua Schwartz, Mad River Valley Planning District, Vermont
Citizen Planner | Timothy Moore, Plaistow, New Hampshire
Plan | Heart & Soul Planning Charrette Report, Damariscotta, Maine
Project | Cross Street Bridge, Middlebury, Vermont
Professional Planner | Christopher G. Parker, Dover, New Hampshire
Citizen Planner | Paul Goldberg, Bedford, New Hampshire
Plan | 2009 Downtown Revitalization Plan, Rockland, Maine
Project | Central Business District FBC, Dover, New Hampshire
Professional Planner | Faith Ingulsrud, State of Vermont
Citizen Planner | James Duffy, Keene, New Hampshire
Plan | Moving Forward Together, Keene, New Hampshire
Project | Innovative Land Use Planning Techniques Handbook, NHDES & RPCs
Professional Planner | Dana Farley, Essex, Vermont
Citizen Planner | Scott Mapes, Burlington, Vermont
Plan | 2008 Rutland Regional Plan, Rutland Regional Planning Commission, Vermont
Project | Community Facilities Planning Process, Milford, New Hampshire
Professional Planner | Kathleen Fuller, Augusta, Maine
Citizen Planner | Nancy Malcolm, Middlebury, Vermont
Plan | Town Center Plan, Barrington New Hampshire
Project | Energy Efficiency & Climate Change Handbook, NH Carbon Challenge
Professional Planner | Alex Weinhagen, Hinesburg, Vermont
Citizen Planner | John Lambert, North Hero, Vermont
Plan | Region-Wide Build Out Analysis, Nashua RPC, New Hampshire
Professional Planner | Roger Houston, Planning Director, Nashua, New Hampshire
Citizen Planner | Arthur (Pete) Gagnon, Merrimack, New Hampshire
Plan | Town of Stowe, Vermont
Project | Maine State Planning Office
Professional Planner | Mark Blucher, AICP, Rutland RPC, Vermont
Citizen Planner | Nelson Disco, Merrimack, New Hampshire
Plan | Rural Brunswick Smart Growth Advisory Committee
Project | Northwest Regional Planning Commission, Vermont
Professional Planner | Lee Krohn, AICP, Manchester, Vermont
Professional Planner | Elizabeth Della Valle, AICP, Maine
Citizen Planner | Robert Lloyd, Vermont
Special Chapter Recognition | Mark T. Eldridge, AICP
Plan | Destination Tomorrow, Portland, Maine Area CTC
Project | Kids and Transportation of York County Map Kit, Southern Maine RPC
Citizen Planner | Nelson Brownell, Pownal, Vermont
Special Chapter Recognition | Chris Northrop, AICP, Chapter President 2001-2003
Plan | Nashua 2000 Master Plan, Nashua, New Hampshire
Project | Residential Growth Management Plan, Williston, Vermont
Professional Planner | Gregory G. Brown, Vermont ACCD
Citizen Planner | John T. Ewing, Burlington, Vermont
Plan | Penobscot Riverfront Development Plan, Bangor, Maine
Project | Smart Growth Scorecard & Growing Smarter, Vermont Forum on Sprawl
Professional Planner | Victoria Lee Smith, Hanover, New Hampshire
Citizen Planner | Bill Hegman, Huntington, Vermont
Special Chapter Recognition | Maureen O’Meara, AICP, Chapter President 1999-2001