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2018 NNECAPA Plan of the Year
West End Neighborhood Plan
South Portland, Maine
The Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) proudly presented their 2018 Plan of the Year award to the City of South Portland.
Every year, NNECAPA recognizes one plan that represents significant advancement to the science and art of planning. Though many plans may be done well, only one will meet the six criteria of originality, transferability, quality, comprehensiveness, public participation, and implementation so well that they are selected to receive this award.
This year South Portland’s West End Neighborhood Plan was chosen because the plan seeks to accomplish the next stage in the science and art of planning. This plan went beyond the traditional neighborhood plan and has been a driving force for real-time change, broad community empowerment, and enduring public and private partnerships. Both the Plan and accompanying zoning changes were adopted by the City Council in September 2017. The Plan outlines a vision for the neighborhood that is more detailed and specific to the neighborhood than the City’s existing Comprehensive Plan. Among other priorities, the Master Plan proposes improving the overall connectivity of the neighborhood to the rest of the City, making available more goods and services within easy walking distance, and enhancing opportunities for recreation and open space. The recommendations are targeted and actionable – written with special concern for long-range consequences, inter-relatedness of decisions, and social justice. Coordination and partnerships throughout the process ensured that every recommendation in the plan is both feasible and reflects the needs of the residents. To date, many components of the plan have already been implemented, and even more recommendations are on the docket for the City, local developers, and other partners.
Congratulations on such an accomplishment to both the City of South Portland and the art of planning.
For more information, contact the NNECAPA Awards Committee