NNECAPA Executive Committee

Friday March 29, 2019 | 1:30pm – 2:30pm

Sarah Marchant, Rita Seto, Brandy Saxton, Alex Weinhagen, Meagan Tuttle, Ben Frost, Katherine Labreque, Jared Woolston, Carl Eppich

1. Call to Order (Sarah) – 1:35 pm
2. Minutes

Feb. 15, 2019 phone meeting – Ben moved to approve, Katherine 2nd. All approved.

3. Retreat Planning Committee (Sarah)

a. Agenda complete – Sarah touched base with Bob, Sarah will send packet out to retreat attendees shortly.

b. Membership – management questions need to be put in list, meeting with APA April 8th after retreat – they can handle all chapter and section members, cannot handle organizational memberships. Sarah is looking to push back to see if they can as they current manage some other Chapter memberships.

c. Policy and Procedures development – review transition plan and communications. Important to get committees designated up and running for coming year’s transition.

d. Budgets – 4 draft budgets with priorities

e. April 5th at noon thru noonish on 6th – AMC Highland Center (includes President, VP, Treasurer & State Director or other designee – up to 4 from each org)

4. Elections Planning Committee 

Meagan reported that all current EC members volunteering to continue in positions as well as interest in other Section positions. Some general members questioned on Section position responsibilities. Meagan will ask EC members to put together info for the National APA ballot.

5. Chapter Website/Newsletter

a. Website launch/next steps
Brandy reported new website is up and running. No major bumps so far with all components functioning. Now it’s just operations and maintenance. Sarah thanked Brandy on her incredible work – it was a major undertaking.

b. Upcoming Yankee Planner
Brandy apologized for the delay – it will get delivered on Monday. The 3 state directors will send emails simultaneously to launch the new site.

6. NNECAPA 2018 Conference Planning and Timeline – New Hampshire

a. November 13-15 at the Mount Washington Hotel, NH

b. Theme/agenda
Kerrie not present to update. Ben updated group – working through conference themes, speakers, menu options, and extracurricular activities. Hotel reservations will be ready later in the month.

7. Taskforce

a.  Timeline and next steps – Transition Plan document in Goggle docs – shared with Exec Committee. This will be reviewed at the retreat.

b. RFP for Admin Services – recommendation from Review Committee. Received 2 responses – committee recommended selecting Events Your Way. Great experience managing events like NNECAPA, and small organizations (helped set up sponsorship programs). This was a nice piece setting her apart. Her proposal is within the allocated budget. Meagan asked Sarah if there were any negotiations or her proposal covered everything we asked for? Yes, however some negotiation over the check book access piece as well as some clarifying scope pieces. Ben clarified state association treasurers were concerned about maintaining control over checkbook itself – this was unanimous decision – negotiate increases in other areas or reduce overall cost. Sarah asked group for motion to move forward to enter contract with Events Your Way? Ben moved. Rita 2nd. All approve.

8. New Ruralism – hiring an intern

Brandy reported they have an intern and are soliciting projects nationwide.

9. Treasurer’s Report – Ben

a. IRS update – Bylaw change adopted
Sarah reported we have an assigned auditor. The issue was once APA kicked us out of umbrella, we were not individual 501c3 – we need individual status then re-join the APA 501c3 – then won’t be in violation anymore. Deadline for next week. Hopefully no major fines resulting. Bylaws have to be signed by 2 officers.

b. Bank status – Ben has confirmed its complete access to Citizens Bank, access to accounts and credit cards. It’s so much work to open an account for an organization. Ben says the remaining item is to add “signers” to the accounts (currently Ben and Carl). Ben and Sarah recommend the President, Vice President, Secretary and the Treasurer to be signers so we have good State coverage. Ben moved to have these 4 for signers, Carl 2nd. All approved.

c. FY2019 budget status
Ben reported the next 2 weeks do quarterly update which will include budget update.
10. Roundtable/Officer Updates

Rita reported she will unfortunately miss the NNECAPA conference and possibly the Sept. 20 phone conference – she’ll be on maternity leave! (due Sept. 15).

Ben reported next week NH Housing is hosting Chuck Malone on Monday AM Rochester, Tues AM in Concord, Tues PM in Claremont. Register at NHFA.org with free CM credits.

Carl clarified assistant PDO positions – we think Lee Krohn dropped off. VPA is trying to get confirmation. Anna Breinich was the other and also dropped off. Carl recalled seeing varying job descriptions for PDO and assistant PDOs. Will need to clarify roles and structures and wanted to add to next agenda topic.

11. Next Meeting dates 

b. April 5-6 – retreat

c. May 17 – phone

d. July 19 – in person

e. Sept. 20 – phone 

f. Nov. 13-15 Conference, pre meeting on the 13th

g. Dec. 6 - phone

12. Future Discussion Items
13. Adjourn – 2:25 PM

Respectfully submitted by
Rita Seto, NNECAPA Secretary


Minutes are posted as drafts. Any changes to these minutes will be reflected in the minutes of the meeting at which they are approved.