Award-Winning Plans
The Chapter and Sections recognize outstanding work in Northern New England with Plan of the Year awards each year.
Plan | CreateVT: Action Plan for Vermont's Creative Sector
Project | LD 1694 Maine Land Bank Legislation
Professional Planner | Kara Wilbur of Build Maine
Citizen Planner | Charlie King, Farmington, New Hampshire
Citizen Planner of the Year: Jon Levenstein, Town of Bedford, NH
"Jon has tirelessly served as a strong forerunner in Bedford’s public arena. His leadership on the Planning Board has guided Bedford residents through a significant time of change. His work and volunteer efforts in the field of planning spans more than two decades."

Project of the Year: Rupert Village Revitalization Project, VT
"A café and community center right in the center the village will serve as a hub of community activity. The community center will offer a space where Rupert residents can come together for activities based on shared interest. The café is a place that will foster conversations and social gatherings. It also becomes a destination for visitors already coming to Rupert, generating economic and social activity in the village."

Professional Planner of the Year: Meagan Tuttle, AICP, Burlington, VT
"Meagan has quickly established herself as a highly valued partner, skilled practitioner, and practiced leader in all of the planning and policy initiatives with which she has been engaged.She is a very highly regarded and sought-after partner by her many colleagues – both within and outside of city government."

Plan of the Year: Maine Won't Wait- A Four-Year Plan for Climate Action
"Maine Won’t Wait represents the culmination of a tremendous and ambitious undertaking of devoted planners, scientists, public officials, and members of the public to develop an informed and thoughtful roadmap for Maine to address the greatest and most pressing issue of our time: climate change. More impressive than the Plan itself, is the process by which it was developed. An extraordinary assemblage of people following an innovative process of a central Climate Council with six supporting Working Groups, ample public engagement, and expert facilitation resulted in a Plan that was unanimously supported and approved by the Council."

Plan | Mall TOD Concept Plan, South Portland, ME
Project | Market Street Reconstruction, South Burlington, VT
Professional Planner | Brandy Saxton, AICP, PlaceSense, VT
Citizen Planner | Frank Torr, City of Dover, NH
NNECAPA & New Hampshire Plan of the Year:
Mount Washington Age Friendly Community Action Plan
Maine Plan of the Year: Portland's Plan 2030
Vermont Plan of the Year: Berlin Town Plan
Other NNECAPA Award Winners Listed Here!

South Portland West End Neighborhood Master Plan
City of South Portland, Maine

2018 Climate Adaptation Master Plan Chapter: Planning Today for a Resilient Tomorrow
City of Dover, New Hampshire

Rediscovering Chester: Remembering the Past, Planning for the Future
A Master Plan for Chester Village Center in the Town of Chester, Vermont

Legacy Lewiston
Comprehensive Plan for the City of Lewiston, Maine

Downtown Vision Plan and Tunnel Assessment
City of Lebanon, New Hampshire

2016 Town Plan
Town of Hubbardton, Vermont

Essex Town Plan 2016
Town of Essex, Vermont

Falmouth Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
Town of Falmouth, Maine

Downtown Pedestrian and Vehicular Access Plan
City of Dover, New Hampshire

Granite State Future
New Hampshire's Regional Planning Commissions

Bold Coast Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan


Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity Master Plan
Town of Bedford, New Hampshire

Brattleboro Town Plan
Town of Brattleboro, Vermont