
Scenic Assessment Handbook

This handbook is designed to be used by people across Maine who are conducting inventories of scenic resources in their town or region. This handbook should give policy-makers and citizens a set of tools to achieve a higher level of precision to identify and evaluate scenic resources – using descriptive language, illustrative maps, and characteristic photographs.

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New Hampshire

Steep Slope and Ridgeline Protection

This chapter provides information on regulating both steep slopes and ridgelines. Steep slope regulations are frequently based on environmental considerations such as erosion and sedimentation controls, while ridgeline regulations have more emphasis on view protection.

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Protecting Local Scenic Resources: Community-Based Performance Standards

Maine’s landscape is undergoing changes that will redefine its scenic character. Scenic views and landscapes that have defined communities for decades are being threatened and lost. These concerns can be addressed if all activities are required to comply with performance standards, which are designed to protect local scenic resources. These performance standards are designed to be administered in the same manner as other performance standards in the local site plan review ordinance, such as those related to erosion control, stormwater management, noise, etc. That is, they are to be considered in the context of the overall project review and approval process, not as a separate action.

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The Roadscape Guide: Tools to Preserve Scenic Road Corridors

This guide is about understanding the character of a road corridor, recognizing the forces that may bring unwelcome change, and using the right tools and techniques to preserve and enhance what is best.

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The View from the Road: Patterns, Principles & Guidelines for Roadscape Design

As we look at the views while traveling along a road we may note that our surroundings look pleasant, or not, but we probably don’t understand what makes a scene look that way, what changes will impact that view and how various sections along a road together form the larger landscape. This manual has been developed to help provide that understanding.

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New Hampshire

Preservation of Scenic Areas and Viewsheds

This technical bulletin provides an overview of inventorying and protecting scenic resources.

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