Why Join?

NNECAPA Membership
If you're a planner in Northern New England,
then NNECAPA is THE professional organization for you! NNECAPA connects Northern
New England planning professionals to enhance our collective expertise and
create a supportive group of advisors for one another. We bring our members
together to educate, mentor, and share best practices to inspire professional
growth, build capacity, improve the built environment, and create strong,
diverse communities.
Whether you're a student or a seasoned professional, NNECAPA offers the programs and resources to keep you connected to our profession.
Member Benefits
NNECAPA membership connects you to more than 1000 planners from throughout Northern New England, providing peer-to-peer networking and support, and enjoying reduced-rate tickets to our premiere annual events including a 2-day conference and annual awards ceremony.
Our list of benefits includes:
· Ongoing Communication
· Professional Development & Education
· Networking & Outreach
· Annual Conference in the tri-state region
· Local awards ceremony and recognition of outstanding projects and planners
· Subscription to the quarterly NNECAPA newsletter
· Access to job and RFP/RFQ postings
· Section level support and initiatives
· Legislative reviews at the state and section
· Membership Directory (APA members only)
Contact Nancy Kilbride, NNECAPA's Chapter Administrator