VPA advocates for sound planning and public policy by:

  • Engaging in limited lobbying as pursuant to our 501(C)(3) status;
  • Tracking and reporting on state and federal planning-related legislation to our membership;
  • Developing occasional policy and position papers on particular topics;
  • Providing information and testimony before legislative committees and administrative boards upon request; and
  • Serving on committees charged with formulating state planning policy.

VPA is represented in these efforts by volunteers on our Legislative Committee.

Legislative Committee Responsibilities

  • Chair – Alex Weinhagen
  • Review of newly introduced bills – Sharon Murray (Senate) and Matt Boulanger Weinhagen (House)
  • Interface/Management of our Legislative Intern – Alex Weinhagen, Sharon Murray and Matt Boulanger

Legislative Committee Meetings

First and Third Monday of each month (Jan.-May) at 2:00 PM

Member Participation

Members can become directly involved in VPA's legislative efforts by serving on our Legislative Committee, drafting position papers, responding to requests for information and feedback, appearing before committees and boards, and staying in touch with your local representatives on planning-related issues.

Members can track current legislation and legislative activities, and contact local representatives, through the Vermont Legislature website.

For more information contact alexweinhagen@gmail.com, Chair of Legislative Committee