Connect with NNECAPA

Maine | New Hampshire | Vermont Planners
NNECAPA is the professional organization for planners in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. It is a volunteer-driven organization that depends on members to carry out our mission and programs.

Join our Listserv
The Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine graciously hosts a NNECAPA listserv to provide an information exchange between planners and related professions across our three states (and beyond.) To subscribe, send an email to:
that says the following:
subscribe usm-nnecapa [your first name] [your last name]
This needs to be done exactly as shown- case and format seems to matter. No need to have a subject on your email.
A confirmation message will be sent to your e-mail address asking you to confirm your subscription request. Confirm your subscription request by clicking on the first link in the body of the message.
To use the listserv, you send emails to
By default you will not get copies of emails you send to the listserv. You can change that, and read past messages, if you visit and create an account with a password.
Please also take a moment to review our listserv guidelines for use. Any questions? Email NNECAPA President (and Listserv moderator) Jeff Levine.
NNECAPA and its three state Sections are always looking for members to get involved by serving on a committee, assisting with the annual conference, sharing case studies and success stories, engaging with colleagues on our listserves, and more.